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What Treatment Options Are Available to Those With a Traumatic Brain Injury?

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Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) are some of the most severe injuries that the human body can withstand. As a result, recovery is often a unique, lengthy, and extensive process that requires doctors to know how the injury was sustained and the severity of the TBI.

There is simply no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to brain injury recovery because there are many different factors that influence how a TBI is treated and how long it may take for a person to recover. There are, however, certain treatment options that are common for those diagnosed with mild, moderate, and severe TBI.

Treating Mild and Moderate TBI

Individuals with mild brain injuries, such as concussions, and moderate brain injuries often recover by focusing on symptom relief. Headaches, mild to moderate pain, and fatigue are the most common symptoms that arise from these injuries, which are typically treated with over-the-counter medication, rest, and time.

Other symptoms that are common with mild to moderate TBI include:

  • Poor balance
  • Amnesia
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Mental confusion
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Irritability
  • Mild depression
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Sensitivity to light

While most cases of mild TBI will heal over the course of a few weeks, it’s important not to do anything that could potentially worsen the state of the injury. Individuals should wait to resume their normal activities, including work, school, and sports, until a doctor advises that it is okay to do so.

Even after early symptoms resolve, it’s best to return to normal life gradually. Additionally, those with mild TBI should continue to monitor their condition by:

  • Making a follow-up appointment with their healthcare provider to confirm the progress of their recovery
  • Document any new or persistent symptoms and inquire with their doctor about how to treat them
  • Pay attention to potential symptoms that may seem unrelated

Treating Severe TBI

Treatment for those who have sustained severe brain injuries begins immediately and is often initially focused on:

  • Preventing death
  • Stabilizing the person’s vital organs
  • Providing oxygen to the person
  • Monitoring the pressure and bleeding inside the skull

Once emergency medical treatment is delivered, and the individual’s brain injury is assessed, surgery may be necessary in order to minimize further damage and treat a variety of potentially life-threatening issues, including:

  • Blood Clots or Pools of Blood. Bleeding in the brain can lead to large clots of blood (hematomas) or pooling of blood, which can result in pressure against the brain and damage to the tissue.
  • Skull Fractures. Pieces of the fractured skull or other debris may need to be removed to start the healing process.
  • Pressure in the Skull. Also known as intracranial pressure (ICP), pressure within the skull from swelling, blood, and other substances can cause brain damage and must be addressed immediately; doctors may add a hole in the skull or a shunt to drain the excess fluid from inside.

Most people who sustain a severe TBI will require some form of rehabilitation to relearn certain physical, cognitive, and social skills that became impaired as a result of the injury. This process often begins in the hospital and continues in an inpatient rehab facility or through outpatient care services once the individual is released from the hospital.

Rehabilitation specialists may include:

  • Psychiatrists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Physical therapists
  • Speech and language pathologists
  • Neuropsychologist

While such treatment can help a person’s long-term recovery, some brain injuries may have permanent ramifications that require the person to have round-the-clock care indefinitely.

Safeguarding the Rights of Brain Injury Survivors

At The Law Offices of Larry S. Buckley, we know that a traumatic brain injury is something that can change your life forever. If you or your loved one sustained one of these injuries due to another person’s negligent or reckless actions, our Chico brain injury attorneys are dedicated to ensuring that you obtain the compensation you need to move forward with your life.

Reach out to our team at (530) 413-0245 to get started with a free consultation today. We will review your free at no cost and discuss what legal options you have moving forward.

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