Northern California Distracted Driving Accident Attorney
Driver distraction has always been a problem, but as technology continues to advance, there are more behind-the-wheel distractions to drivers than ever before – and some of them are built right into the car in the form of infotainment systems. These distractions greatly increase the likelihood of a serious car accident that could result in injury or death. When drivers fail to pay attention and the result is injury or death to another person, they may be held liable for their negligence.
The Northern California distracted driving lawyers at the Law Offices of Larry S. Buckley fight for maximum compensation for victims of auto collisions caused by distracted drivers. If you or a family member has been hurt, contact our firm to request a free case review to learn more about your rights. You may be entitled to compensation for:
- Medical bills
- Vehicle repair costs
- Lost wages
- Pain
- Suffering
Fill out our online case evaluation form or call us anytime at (530) 413-0245.
Common Driver Distractions
A distraction is anything that causes a driver’s attention to wander from the primary task of driving. Distractions can be cognitive (mental focus), manual (tactile focus), visual (eyesight focus), or a combination of all three. It only takes a moment of inattention to cause an accident with lifelong consequences.
Distractions that cause the greatest number of preventable car accidents include:
- Texting or checking emails on a smartphone
- Using/scrolling through smartphone apps
- Talking on the phone
- Eating and drinking
- Grooming (applying makeup, brushing hair, etc.)
- Reaching for a fallen item
- Rubbernecking (watching an event on the side of the road)
- Listening to overly-loud music or having distracting conversations with passengers
Drivers have a duty to operate their vehicles in a conscientious and safe manner that does not endanger other people or property. Willfully choosing, for example, to ignore California’s ban on cell phone use while driving, indicates a disregard for the safety of others that can support the plaintiff’s case. It is important to work with an experienced attorney who can guide you through the legal process, build a strong case on your behalf, and fight for the compensation you are due for your injuries.
You Pay Nothing Unless We Win
Our experienced car accident attorneys serve clients throughout Northern California from offices in Chico, Redding, Roseville, and Sacramento. Knowledgeable and with access to valuable resources, including accident reconstruction experts, medical specialists, and other professionals, we are known for our winning strategies and unrelenting advocacy. We routinely go up against large and powerful insurance companies – and we win. In fact, we have recovered tens of millions of dollars for our clients since we first opened our doors.
Get in touch with us today to learn how our team can be of service. Call anytime 24/7 for a free personal injury consultation: (530) 413-0245.
Distracted Driving FAQ
Is distracted driving illegal in California?
Distracted driving is unlawful in California, which means that you can be fined for driving while distracted but not arrested. However, distracted drivers can be charged with reckless driving and other more serious crimes if the distraction put someone in danger or injured someone. If you were hit by a distracted driver, then we might be able to use a police report against their case. -
How many people are injured by distracted drivers each year?
According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data, approximately 3,100 people lose their lives to distracted driving accidents each year across the country. More than ten times that amount or about 400,000 people are injured by distracted drivers annually, too. As can be seen, from these statistics, distracted driving is a serious problem. -
How do you prove the other driver was distracted?
A distracted driver will likely say that they are not to blame for a crash because they can’t accept the consequences of their actions. To prove that they caused the crash, you will need to back your argument with convincing evidence. Eyewitness statements, first responder reports, and even testimony from the driver who hit you could be useful.

Why Choose Law Offices of Larry S. Buckley?
We have handled almost every type of personal injury case and have recovered millions of dollars.
We understand that accidents can happen at any time and we're here for you day and night.
We are focused on providing our clients an exceptional customer service and legal experience.